Meals on Wheels Oklahoma City delivers food to a home-bound client.
Our Pledge to You
As our community’s nonprofits, you are our change makers. You’re on the front lines, directly impacting those in need, and we are here to support you. Through our endowment program, grant programs, partnerships and more, we are here to help you continue to grow your impact and make this community a better place to live.
Grants awarded to charitable organizations that provide direct services for children birth to age 14 and offer access to enrichment opportunities that otherwise would not be available.
Learn more at
When Businesswoman Elaine Hahn passed away, her sister Kathy knew how important education was to Elaine. To honor Elaine's legacy, she established the Elaine Hahn Memorial Business Scholarship at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation for young women who plan to attend college and study business. Students receiving the scholarship often graduate debt-free, which is important for Kathy.
Learn more about our scholarship program at
The residents of Coalgate, Oklahoma know that access to high-speed internet is a fundamental necessity, connecting people to resources. The Oklahoma City Community Foundation awarded the City of Coalgate a grant of $150,000, which served as the catalyst for delivering broadband internet services to its citizens.
Learn more about our work with Rural Oklahoma at
For more than 50 years, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation has committed itself to the citizens of Oklahoma City by doing its part to improve lives, provide resources and help people achieve their dreams. The Foundation’s experts can guide you and answer your questions to help you create the impact you want to make happen.
Community Impact
At the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, our number one goal is bringing people together from all across the community who want to invest in this place and the people who live here. This resulted in nearly $80 million dollars in grants, scholarships and distributions to our endowed partners in FY23.
$63.3 M+
Grant Distributions
Scholarships Distributed
$12.3 M+
Distributed to Endowment Partners