
Lawton Area Nonprofits

Quanah Parker Dam, Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge near Lawton. Photo by Dennis Spielman

Welcome to the directory of the more than 30 Lawton area nonprofit organizations that have established a permanent endowment fund at the Lawton Community Foundation. Each directory page includes a brief overview of the organization’s mission, contact information and a link to the organization’s website. Each page also includes a link to a secure online giving page provided through the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to encourage gifts to the organization’s endowment fund.

A  |  C  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  L  |  M  |  O  |  P  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  W


Arts for All - hidden
Address P.O. Box 592, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Bobbi Matchette
Phone 580/248-5384
Description Arts for All is a united arts funding organization which seeks to foster the arts in southwest Oklahoma through year-round fundraising events. Profits from the events are allocated to the member groups of Arts for All: Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra, Lawton Community Theatre, Southwest Oklahoma Opera Guild, Wichita Wildlight Photographic Society, Lawton/Ft. Sill Art Council, and Lawton Pro Musica.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Arts for All
Address P.O. Box 592, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Bobbi Matchette
Phone 580/248-5384
Description Arts for All is a united arts funding organization which seeks to foster the arts in southwest Oklahoma through year-round fundraising events. Profits from the events are allocated to the member groups of Arts for All: Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra, Lawton Community Theatre, Southwest Oklahoma Opera Guild, Wichita Wildlight Photographic Society, Lawton/Ft. Sill Art Council, and Lawton Pro Musica.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Artillery OCS Alumni Chapter
Address P.O. Box 33612, Fort Sill, OK 73503-0612
Contact Randy Dunham
Phone 580/704-8329
Description Fund provides financial support for preserving the memorabilia and archives of the Artillery Officer Candidate School, maintaining the Artillery OCS Hall of Fame and providing educational programs for the public.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Fires Chapter – Lawton-Fort Sill
Address P.O. Box 1272, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Shawna Jensen
Phone 580/357-0220
Description AUSA is a private, nonprofit educational organization that supports America’s Army – Active, National Guard, Reserve, Civilians, Retirees, Government Civilians, Wounded Warriors, Veterans and family members. AUSA represents every American Soldier by:
– Being the voice for all components of America’s Army
– Fostering public support of the Army’s role in national security
– Providing professional education and information programs

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Cache School Scholarship - hidden
Address 4694 SW Airport Rd., Cache, OK 73527
Contact Karol Haney
Phone 580/429-3266
Description Each month, the teachers, administrators and other staff members of Cache schools contribute approximately $1,000 towards scholarships for graduating Cache seniors, to encourage the students to pursue post-high school education.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Cache School Scholarship
Address 4694 SW Airport Rd., Cache, OK 73527
Contact Karol Haney
Phone 580/429-3266
Description Each month, the teachers, administrators and other staff members of Cache schools contribute approximately $1,000 towards scholarships for graduating Cache seniors, to encourage the students to pursue post-high school education.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Address P.O. Box 3198, Lawton OK 73502-3198
Contact Nivian Rozumialski
Phone 580/357-8114
Description Roadback’s focus is to provide the highest evidence-based substance abuse treatment services that will result in self-supporting and contributing members of the community.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Christian Family Counseling Center
Address 5002 S.W. Lee Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505
Contact Tim Diley
Phone 580/531-4512
Description The mission of the Christian Family Counseling Center is to restore, educate and strengthen people through professional mental health services that integrate a gracious Christian perspective with psychological principles, striving to help those in need regardless of their ability to pay.

Make an online donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Comanche County Memorial Hospital Foundation
Address P.O. Box 129, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Lea Ann Chandler
Phone 580/585-5406
Fax 580/250-5825
Description The foundation was established in 1993 to organize and solicit financial support for the hospital through current and planned giving. The foundation created and manages programs to provide medicine, equipment and nutrition to patients in need, as well as funds to refurbish and replace items required for patient care.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Crime Stoppers/Drug Busters of Southwest Oklahoma
Address P.O. Box 923, Lawton, OK 73502-0923
Contact Hannah Simmons
Phone 580/250-2044
Description Crime Stoppers/Drug Busters offers witnesses to a crime a way to provide information to help solve crimes without revealing their identity.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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First United Methodist Church Foundation of Lawton- hidden
Address 2602 NW Ferris Ave., Lawton, OK 73505
Contact Gene Love
Phone 580/581-1300
Fax 580/357-9110
Description Fund provides financial support for the operating needs of the First United Methodist Church.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

First United Methodist Church Foundation of Lawton
Address 2602 NW Ferris Ave., Lawton, OK 73505
Contact Gene Love
Phone 580/581-1300
Fax 580/357-9110
Description Fund provides financial support for the operating needs of the First United Methodist Church.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Frederick School Enrichment Foundation
Address P.O. Box 486, Frederick, OK 73542-0486
Contact Lloyd Benson
Phone 580/335-7541

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Friends of Fort Sill
Address P.O. Box 33303, Fort Sill, OK 73503
Phone 580/695-9943
Fax 580/357-9110

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Friends of the Lawton Public Library
Address 110 SW 4th St., Lawton, OK 73501
Contact Patty Neuwirth
Phone 580/581-3450

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Giddy Up ‘N Go - hidden
Address 7205 SE Bishop Rd., Lawton, OK 73501-5574
Contact Nancy Arntz
Phone 580/248-3701
Description This organization focuses on helping children and adults who are referred by their physician for adjunct physical, occupational or speech therapy to reach their physical, cognitive and emotional potential through equestrian experiences in a safe environment.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Giddy Up ‘N Go
Address 7205 SE Bishop Rd., Lawton, OK 73501-5574
Contact Nancy Arntz
Phone 580/248-3701
Description This organization focuses on helping children and adults who are referred by their physician for adjunct physical, occupational or speech therapy to reach their physical, cognitive and emotional potential through equestrian experiences in a safe environment.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Great Plains AMBUCS – Kid’s Zone
Address 102 SE ‘D’ Avenue, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Mark Glenn
Phone 580/512-0313
Description Distribution from the fund is used for maintenance and improvements of the Kid’s Zone playground.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Great Plains Technology Center Foundation
Address 4500 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505-8304
Contact Karen Bailey
Phone 580/250-5603

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Greater Lawton Rotary Club
Address 304 N.W. 19th St., Lawton, OK 73507
Contact Steve Fite
Phone 580/512-8333
Description The club’s mission is to provide service for the betterment of the Lawton area.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Hackberry Flat Foundation - hidden
Address P.O. Box 579, Frederick, OK 73542
Contact Ben Crawford
Phone 580/335-3211
Fax 580/335-5011
Description Fund supports the Hackberry Flat Wetland Restoration Project as well as the operations of the 7,120 acre wetlands preserve.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Hackberry Flat Foundation
Address P.O. Box 579, Frederick, OK 73542
Contact Ben Crawford
Phone 580/335-3211
Fax 580/335-5011
Description Fund supports the Hackberry Flat Wetland Restoration Project as well as the operations of the 7,120 acre wetlands preserve.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Hearts That Care Volunteer Health Clinic
Address 1313 W. Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK 73501
Contact Daniel Joyce
Phone 580/354-9007
Description Hearts That Care provides a free health clinic and medications for people in Lawton who don’t have insurance.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Holiday in the Park
Address 302 West Gore Boulevard, Lawton, OK 73501
Contact Dr. Krista Ratliff
Phone 580/355-3541
Description Fund provides financial support the annual holiday light display and parade.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Kathy Bea Holsinger Reese Memorial Fund/St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Address 910 NW 38th Street, Lawton, OK 73505-3703
Contact Jo Ann Sterling
Phone 580/355-5757

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Lawton AMBUCS Lou Brox Endowment - hidden
Address P.O. Box 242, Lawton, OK 73503
Contact Jacob Brox
Phone 580/353-3878
Description The purpose of this fund is to further the mission of Lawton AMBUCS by helping to provide AmTrykes to children and individuals in need of therapy, scholarships to therapy students, as well as other community service projects that help to create mobility and independence for people with disabilities.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton AMBUCS Lou Brox Endowment
Address P.O. Box 242, Lawton, OK 73503
Contact Jacob Brox
Phone 580/353-3878
Description The purpose of this fund is to further the mission of Lawton AMBUCS by helping to provide AmTrykes to children and individuals in need of therapy, scholarships to therapy students, as well as other community service projects that help to create mobility and independence for people with disabilities.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Athletic Foundation
Address 2804 NE Coronado Blvd., Lawton 73507
Contact Barry Beauchamp
Phone 580/695-0224
Description The purpose of the Lawton Athletic Foundation is to advance and improve the quality of athletic programs in the Lawton community by enhancing the  existing programs, creating more opportunities through the development of new programs and aiding the development of more facilities.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Community Theatre
Address P.O. Box 42, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Martha McCartney
Phone 580/355-1600
Fax 580/355-1603
Description The theatre’s mission is to advance appreciation of the arts by providing the community an opportunity to learn, attend and participate in theatre productions.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Family YMCA
Address 5 S.W. 5th St., Lawton, OK 73501
Contact Frank Walker
Phone 580/355-9622
Fax 580/355-9624
Description The mission of the YMCA is to help people build strong spirits, minds and bodies through programs such as child care, fitness activities, camping and other programs.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Food Bank
Address Box 3812, Lawton, OK 73502-3812
Contact Ellen Lechel
Phone 580/353-7994
Description The mission of the Lawton Food Bank is to mobilize the resources of our community to fight hunger, the causes of hunger and the problems related to hunger.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton – Fort Sill Armed Services YMCA Gene Love Endowment
Address 900 NW Cache Rd., Lawton, OK 73507-5405
Contact Sara Paape
Phone 580/699-8905
Fax 580/355-6453
Description The Armed Services YMCA seeks to serve the charitable, educational, social, recreational and inspirational needs of military personnel and their families by offering programs and services that strengthen families.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra
Address P.O. Box 1473, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Patty Neuwirth
Phone 580/531-5043
Description The Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra provides a high quality cultural experience of orchestral concerts performed by professional musicians that, depending upon the works played, can number to 80 or greater. We also have bonus events, that while not the orchestra, ensure an enthralling experience for our audiences. We provide educational outreach to area youth and adults as well and promote our focus as –

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Lawton Public School Foundation
Address P.O. Box 2323, Lawton, OK 73502-2323
Contact Lisa Carson
Phone 580/585-6251

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Museum of the Great Plains - hidden
Address 601 N.W. Ferris Ave., Lawton, OK 73507
Contact Bart McClenny
Phone 580/581-3460
Fax 580/581-3458
Description The Museum of the Great Plains is dedicated to the collection, preservation, interpretation and exhibition of items relevant to the cultural history of man in the Great Plains of North America.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Museum of the Great Plains
Address 601 N.W. Ferris Ave., Lawton, OK 73507
Contact Bart McClenny
Phone 580/581-3460
Fax 580/581-3458
Description The Museum of the Great Plains is dedicated to the collection, preservation, interpretation and exhibition of items relevant to the cultural history of man in the Great Plains of North America.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Oklahoma Arts Institute Scholarship - hidden
Address 111 NW 9th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5808
Contact Julie Cohen
Phone 405/605-7500
Fax 405/605-7505
Description The scholarship is to be used for tuition for residents from the Lawton area to attend the OK Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain State Park in southwestern OK, where nationally renowned artists are recruited to teach visual, literary, and performing arts both programs.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Oklahoma Arts Institute Scholarship
Address 111 NW 9th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73102-5808
Contact Julie Cohen
Phone 405/605-7500
Fax 405/605-7505
Description The scholarship is to be used for tuition for residents from the Lawton area to attend the OK Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain State Park in southwestern OK, where nationally renowned artists are recruited to teach visual, literary, and performing arts both programs.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

On the Chisholm Trail Association Heritage Center
Address 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan, OK 73533
Contact Leah Mulkey
Phone 580/252-6692
Fax 580/252-6567
Description For more than a dozen tempestuous years, beginning in 1867, the Chisholm Trail was the Texas cowhand’s road to high adventure. The center lets visitors experience exhibits, lectures and re-creations about that fascinating time in America’s history.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Bernice Ford Price Library Endowment Fund at the Museum of the Western Prairie- hidden
Address 1100 Memorial Dr., Altus, OK 73521
Contact Jennie Buchanan
Phone 580/482-1044

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Bernice Ford Price Library Endowment Fund at the Museum of the Western Prairie
Address 1100 Memorial Dr., Altus, OK 73521
Contact Jennie Buchanan
Phone 580/482-1044

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Senior Center for Creative Living - hidden
Address 3501 Elsie Hamm Dr. Lawton, OK 73505
Contact Jeannine Lilly
Phone 580/248-0471
Description A nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of active senior adults by providing a variety of programs, services, and receational activities which stimulates fiscal, mental, intellectual and social skills.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Senior Center for Creative Living
Address 3501 Elsie Hamm Dr. Lawton, OK 73505
Contact Jeannine Lilly
Phone 580/248-0471
Description A nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of active senior adults by providing a variety of programs, services, and receational activities which stimulates fiscal, mental, intellectual and social skills.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

St. John Lutheran Church Foundation
Address 102 SW 7th St., Lawton, OK 73501-3922
Phone 580/353-0556
Fax 580/353-0646
Description Fund provides financial support for the operating needs of the St. John Lutheran Church.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society
Address P.O. Box 148, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Linda Garrison
Phone 580/355-5920
Web site
Description The objectives of the society are to collect, preserve and disseminate knowledge and information of a genealogical and related historical and biographical nature in order to help others gather genealogical information.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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Tipton Children’s Home - hidden
Address P.O. Box 370, Tipton, OK 73570
Contact Joe B. Waugh
Description Tipton Children’s Home provides a loving, Christian atmosphere where children can grow physically, mature mentally, develop spiritually and succeed emotionally.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

Tipton Children’s Home
Address P.O. Box 370, Tipton, OK 73570
Contact Joe B. Waugh
Description Tipton Children’s Home provides a loving, Christian atmosphere where children can grow physically, mature mentally, develop spiritually and succeed emotionally.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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United Way of Southwest Oklahoma - hidden
Address 1116 SW A Avenue | P.O. Box 66, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Lauren Ellis
Phone 580/355-0218
Fax 580/355-0810
Description United Way provides communities with ways to provide comprehensive care and improve the lives of families and individuals in need by mobilizing the caring power within the community.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

United Way of Southwest Oklahoma
Address 1116 SW A Avenue | P.O. Box 66, Lawton, OK 73502
Contact Lauren Ellis
Phone 580/355-0218
Fax 580/355-0810
Description United Way provides communities with ways to provide comprehensive care and improve the lives of families and individuals in need by mobilizing the caring power within the community.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

United States Field Artillery Association Foundation
Address P.O. Box 33027, Fort Sill, OK 73503
Contact Rachal Smith
Phone 580/357-4769
Description The mission of the association is to promote field artillery and the professional development of its members, to share the knowledge of military art and sciences and to foster and preserve the spirit and traditions of the Field Artillery.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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World Christian Broadcasting - hidden
Address 605 Bradley Ct. Franklin, TN 37067-8200
Contact Diana Southerland
Phone 615/371-8707
Description World Christian Broadcasting’s exists so that people in places best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ and want to know more.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

World Christian Broadcasting
Address 605 Bradley Ct. Franklin, TN 37067-8200
Contact Diana Southerland
Phone 615/371-8707
Description World Christian Broadcasting’s exists so that people in places best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ and want to know more.

Make an online credit card donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund through the secure online giving service provided by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

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How Can We Help You?

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Jennifer Stewart, CAP®

Donor Services Director

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Joshua Dunbar

Donor Services Manager

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Madeline Bennett

Nonprofit Endowments

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Wanda Minter

Scholarship Programs

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Keaton Van Sickle


OCCF will be closed in observance of Christmas from Tuesday, Dec. 24 through Wednesday, Dec. 25.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 26. Happy Holidays from all of us to you!

Scholarship applications close soon! 

00DAYS: 00HOURS: 00MINS: 00SECS Expired

Due to inclement weather, OCCF is closing at 12 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 9 through Friday, Jan. 10.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 13. Please remain safe and warm.

OCCF will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 20.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Best wishes from all of us to you!