Conflict of Interest Policy Agreement This field is hidden when viewing the formYearName(Required) First Last Timeframe: 7/1/2024-6/30/2025 Other Nonprofit Organization Interests(Required)Do you have any potential conflict with other Nonprofit Organization Interests? Potential conflicts or the appearance of conflicts can come from alliances with other nonprofits that may seek grants from, or compete for donors with, OCCF or our Affiliated Funds. This could be board service for another nonprofit, significant support for or employment at another nonprofit for you or a family member. Yes No If yes, please specify.(Required)Business Interests(Required)Do you have any potential conflict with Business Interests? Potential business conflicts or the appearance of conflicts can come from your or a family member’s presence on the board of a business, ownership of a business, real estate interests related to OCCF or Affiliated Fund grantees or business partnerships with OCCF or Affiliated Fund donors. Yes No If yes, please specify.(Required)Other Significant Involvements(Required)Do you have any potential conflict with Other Significant Involvements? Conflicts regarding other significant involvements may arise when a board member’s business, family relationships or other activities may make it impossible for him or her to provide objective advice to OCCF or Affiliated Funds, especially when the matter affects the financial interests of a board member; this duality of loyalties may become a conflict of interest. Yes No If yes, please specify.(Required)Transactions(Required)Do you have any potential conflict with Transactions? Conflicts regarding transactions may arise when a board member or their family engages in financial transactions with OCCF or an Affiliated Fund. Such activity should be disclosed. Yes No If yes, please specify.(Required)Consent(Required) Please check to agree.(Required)I acknowledge that I have received, read, understand and agree to comply with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation Conflict of Interest Guidelines posted at and that I understand that the Oklahoma City Community Foundation is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.SignatureCAPTCHA Δ Only click the submit button once and wait for it to complete.