
Donor Spotlight – Wes & Lou Watkins

Wes Watkins spent a long career in public service beginning in the 1970’s when he was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate. Wes was eventually elected to the United States Congress, where he served nine terms. His wife, Lou, is a retired College Professor and served on the Oklahoma State University Board of Regents for several years.  

Following their retirement, the Watkins wanted to downsize their estate by selling property that had increased in value over the years. And in 2013 they worked with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to create a deferred charitable gift annuity. The gift annuity will yield additional income for life and the remaining assets will support scholarships through both the FFA and OSU foundation as well as benefit the Lou Watkins endowed Lectureship at East Central University where she taught. 

Watkins said, “This was a great way to help several groups that we feel strongly about, while also allowing us to offset potential taxes associated with selling the land”. 

Wes also established the Mary E. Watkins Scholarship at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation in memory of his mother. This scholarship encourages students from Bennington High School in Bennington, Oklahoma, to further their education by attending an Oklahoma-based college or university. “My mother stressed the importance of education to anyone she met,” said Wes. 

OCCF will be closed in observance of Christmas from Tuesday, Dec. 24 through Wednesday, Dec. 25.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 26. Happy Holidays from all of us to you!

Scholarship applications close soon! 

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Due to inclement weather, OCCF is closed Wednesday, Feb. 12.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13. Please remain safe and warm.

OCCF will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 20.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Best wishes from all of us to you!