
Gift & Estate Planning

OCCF’s Director of Planned Giving, Julie Dais visits with Trustee Christin Mugg to discuss estate planning.

Your Philanthropy Experts

At the Community Foundation, we work closely with you to guide you and your clients through the charitable giving part of the gift and estate planning process.

Charitable Giving Tools

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Any text Bolded & Underlined will take you to where you need to go!

Include a Gift in a Will or Trust

Including a charitable gift in a will or trust is one of the simplest ways to make an estate gift.

Sample Bequest Language »

Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust »

Planned Gifts Calculator

This tool can help illustrate the benefits of donating specific assets.

Charitable Gift Annuities

We can help your clients establish a Charitable Gift Annuity through a gift of cash or other assets, triggering an immediate tax deduction and guaranteeing a set income for life.

Online Deduction Calculator

Charitable Remainder Trusts

This savvy tax strategy helps donors avoid capital gains tax and reduce estate taxes on highly appreciated assets they place in the trust while still receiving an income stream for life or a stated period of time. Upon termination of the trust, the principal will go to the charitable fund of their choice.

Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Through a Charitable Lead Trust, your clients can transfer assets to the Community Foundation, which will then pay a percentage of the assets’ value to the charitable fund of their choice. At the end of the trust term, the remaining assets are paid back to the donor or designated heirs.
  • A Charitable Lead Trust can be used to generate a charitable deduction upon receiving a windfall or as an estate planning tool to minimize estate taxes.
Estate Planning Resources


Planned Gifts Calculator
This tool can help illustrate the benefits of donating specific assets.

Gift Planning Services

As your partner in charitable giving, we want to make charitable giving easy and a positive experience for you and your clients so they can make the maximum impact in the community. We would love to talk you both through our many fund options so they can select what is right for them.

Alternatives to Private Foundations

  • We offer several endowment fund options that provide simpler alternatives to a private foundation.
  • Donors can remain involved in grant making decisions and ensure their charitable intentions continue for generations.

Learn more about our Fund Options

IRA Rollover Gifts

Are you or someone you know age 70½ or older? Learn how to make a tax-free gift up to $100,000 from your IRA to the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to support your favorite charitable cause.

Looking for a link?
Any text Bolded & Underlined will take you to where you need to go!

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Who Qualifies?

Individuals age 70½ and older may transfer up to $100,000 per year from an IRA to charity, tax free.

Benefits of IRA Rollover Gifts:
  • By using pre-tax IRA assets, your charitable gift costs you less.
  • The IRA Charitable Rollover is not subject to income taxes.
  • The amount of your IRA Charitable Rollover can be used to meet your annual required minimum distribution, lowering your taxable income for the year.
IRA Charitable Rollover Giving Options

Gifts may be used to create a new charitable fund or to support an existing fund among the following options:

  • Scholarship & Award Funds
    The Oklahoma City Community Foundation administers more than 200 permanent scholarship endowments, annually awarding over $4 million to more than 900 students to help further their education.
  • Charitable Organization Endowments
    More than 360 charities serving our community have permanent funds at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. These funds provide an annual source of income to the organization, helping carry on its important work for years to come.
  • Matching Opportunities are also available for gifts to a number of Charitable Organization Endowments. For every $3 donated, the Kirkpatrick Family Fund will match with $1 up to the designated match amount. (View a list of organizations participating in the match.)
  • Charitable Fields of Interest
    At the time the IRA Charitable Rollover gift is made, you must designate a charitable interest area or charitable organization(s) as the beneficiary of the gift.
    **IRA Charitable Rollovers may not be used to support donor advised funds.
Who Should Consider an IRA Charitable Rollover?
  • Individuals age 70 ½ and older who have more money in their IRA than needed for daily living expenses and long-term care.
  • Spouses who both have IRA accounts and don’t need the income to support daily living expenses. Each spouse can transfer up to $100,000, tax free from their IRA.
  • Generous donors who may give more to charity then they can deduct in a tax year because IRA Charitable Rollovers are exempt from federal income taxes.
  • Donors who regularly give a portion of their income to charity and do not itemize deductions.
  • Individuals who wish to remove up to $100,000 from their taxable estate.
Your Next Steps:

Contact your professional advisor to determine if the IRA Charitable Rollover is a good option for you.

Download a sample request letter to complete and send to your IRA Plan Administrator.

Notify the Oklahoma City Community Foundation of your gift by completing and returning this sample letter.

How Can We Help You?

Featured Image

Julie Dais, CAP®

Director of Gift Planning

Featured Image

Megan Davis, J.D.

Director of Gift Planning

OCCF will be closed in observance of Christmas from Tuesday, Dec. 24 through Wednesday, Dec. 25.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 26. Happy Holidays from all of us to you!

Scholarship applications close soon! 

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Due to inclement weather, OCCF is closed Wednesday, Feb. 12.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13. Please remain safe and warm.

OCCF will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 20.

We will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Best wishes from all of us to you!